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Issue 33

August 2021

Shaken Loose

by Emmie Christie

Sometimes in the night, when the dogs stopped barking at the cars along Route 40, the house ceased settling, and the wind came to a rest in the branches of the old maple by the farmhouse, Rachel sensed them. […]

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by Lucy Zhang

Yuan used to tell Wenjie about the head thief who’d snip your head off with shears and replace it with someone else’s. That’s what happens to people who don’t use their heads properly: they get replaced. But where do the bad heads go? Wenjie asked. […]

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Six Spiral Iterations of a Memory

by R. K. Duncan

Tamara found the lost library of the Moscow tsars by luck or destiny. She was checking a section of disused Kremlin catacomb that the scans said might not have solid earth next to it. The work was boring, the project notionally exciting […]



by Saswati Chatterjee

I heard him come, horse and hooves all, smelling of the war and blood, and knew he was home.

I was sitting by the unoon, fire warming my feet, and he was trotting in across the old broken road, barren fields on either side. […]

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Salt Gator Girl

by Joe M. McDermott

When it was all over and settled, I wasn’t even called to court this time. It happened in lawyers’ offices, and no one needed me to be present for anything. I was out at grandma’s place, playing in the sticks and brush country among the ruined semi trailer trucks out on her property. […]


Saturn is Devouring His Children

by Shannon Peavey

We are deep-water creatures, adapted to live in the crushing cold. We spend an age on the sea floor, buried in soft silt and watching the slow bioluminescence of blind things as they pass above us. We attach ourselves to hot mud vents and take the minerals in through our skin. […]


Issue 33

August 2021

3LBE 33

Front & Back cover art by Rew X