For more information on our contributors, see their bio at the end of each story.
Laila Amado: The Many Names of Eels (Issue 40)
Brian Ames: Prayer for the Dying (Issue 8)
Neil Auch: A Song for the Centipedes (Issue 39) | website
Julia August: Delia’s Door (Issue 28) | website
Daniel Ausema: Scolyard’s “The Constructs Forsee Their Doom” (Issue 23) | website
Neil Ayers: In the Rose Garden (Issue 16) | Coma (Issue 10)
D. Morgan Ballmer: That Old Family Tree (Issue 25)
Kelly Barnhill: Tabula Rasa (Issue 18) | website
Laird Barron: Hour of the Cyclops (Issue 6) | website
M. Bennardo: The Night Nurse (Issue 31) | The Book in Dutch (Issue 22 | website
H. David Blalock: To Our Brothers (Issue 7)
R.S. Bohn: Judith of Lions (Issue 22) | website
Jennifer Hollie Bowles: Inside the Ganges (Issue 20)
Lisa M. Bradley: The Starfish (Issue 12) | website
Lida Broadhurst: Miyagu (Issue 17)
Adam Browne: A Retrospective (Issue 27) | The Biologie of Paradise (Issue 19) | website
Georgina Bruce: Witchwood (Issue 19)
Andi C. Buchanan: A Consensus Told in Chromatophores (Issue 32) | website
Kealan Patrick Burke: The End of Mr. Blame (Issue 12) | website
Nadia Bulkin: The Five Stages of Grief (Issue 17) | website
Octavia Cade: Imago (Issue 32) | website
Seth Cadin: No Signal (Issue 20)
Woody Carsky-Wilson: The Felon (Issue 13)
Nkone Chaka: Daring Again to Say Goodbye (Issue 42) | website
Dixon Chance: The Murmurous Paleoscope (Issue 23)
Vajra Chandrasekera: The Bombardier (Issue 32) | Terminus (Issue 29) | The Calf (Issue 24) | website
Saswati Chatterjee: Mango (Issue 33)
Emmie Christie: Shaken Loose (Issue 33)
Michael Christie: The Stinking Creep (Issue 2)
Miranda Ciccone: And Their Hearts As Engines (Issue 17)
Jai Clare: Mascots and Martyrs (Issue 14) | The Roof of God (Issue 5) | website
Erica Clashe: Not the Act (Issue 41) | website
Brendan Connell: Orach (Issue 9)
Gary W. Conner: Swim In Sediment (Issue 12) | These Stand for Me (Issue 1)
Brian J. Conrad: Angel of the Sand (Issue 8)
Laura Cooney: The Rubee (Issue 15)
Lawrence Conquest: Big in Japan (Issue 23) | website
John Craig: The Belly of the Night (Issue 1)
Ward Crockett: Doors of Seconds (Issue 18)
Matthew Chrulew: Burning in the Banshee's Absence (Issue 17) | website
Tim Curran: The Moon in Their Eyes (Issue 11) | Noctulos (Issue 6) | website
Koji A. Dae: It Comes Through Us (Issue 39) | website
Thomas Deja :Rats From Spain (Issue 11)
Michael J. DeLuca: Decay (Issue 28) | website
Kristi DeMeester: The Bee Queen (Issue 32) | Learning to Drown (Issue 29) | The Marking (Issue 27) | website
Corrine De Winter: Tuesdays After Midnight (Issue 2) | website
Lauren Dixon: Floating Feathers, Wings Red and Wild (Issue 29) | Sheela of the Good Shepherd (Issue 25) | website
Michael S. Dodd: The Madwoman (Issue 2)
Dorothea Duenow: Abilene (Issue 13)
R. K. Duncan: Six Spiral Iterations of a Memory (Issue 33)
Mae Empson: The Eel Question (Issue 22) | website
Jaq Evans: Scales (Issue 30) | website
Brian Evenson: Jenny Longlegs (Issue 34) | website
Corey Farrenkopf: The Tap Tap Tap of a Beak (Issue 35) | website
Isaac Fellows: Fighting Fate (Issue 17)
Gemma Files: One in the Morning and One at Night (Issue 23) | Pretend That We’re Dead (Issue 7) | website
AJ Fitzwater: Fault Lines (Issue 29) | website
April French: Oddities (Issue 13)
R. David Fulcher: The Bogeyman, Pt. II (Issue 2)
C.S. Fuqua: The Occasional Demon (Issue 7) | website
Cody Goodfellow: The Touring Car (Issue 30) | Feast of the Ixiptla (Issue 15) | website
Timothy Granville: Heartstone Lodge (Issue 43)
Amy Grech: Rampart (Issue 10) | website
Amelia Gorman: Out(r)age (Issue 39) | website
L.M. Guay: Exquisite Corpses (Issue 38) | website
Brenden Haukos: Isabelle (Issue 15)
Thomas Ha: Our Quiet Guests (Issue 37) | website
Markus Harmon: Papers from a Deserted House (Issue 3)
Jason Hauser: A Thorn in Nevelshelle’s Side (Issue 16) | website
Alex Hernandez: The Jicotea Princess (Issue 28)
Christopher Hivner: The Silence (Issue 4)
Tory Hoke: The Body in the Narrows (Issue 24) | website
Miles Hurt: The Burning One (Issue 21) | website
Marc Hutcheson: William’s Relic (Issue 8)
Ruth Joffre: A Girl Explodes (Issue 37) | website
J. L. Jones: The Sticky-Sweet Path (Issue 39)
Mel Kassel: Negligible Senescence (Issue 28) | website
Paula Keane: Dream Catchers (Issue 34)
Keffy R. M. Kehrli: She Dances on Knives (Issue 26) | website
Michael Kelly: Something Borrowed (Issue 36)
Chris Kelso: Jenny Longlegs (Issue 34) | website
Jaxton Kimble: None of Mine Bled Dry (Issue 34) | website
Gwendolyn Kiste: Something Borrowed, Something Blue (Issue 27) | website
Joe Koch: Oakmoss and Ambergris (Issue 35) | website
DeAnna Knippling: Bad House Spirit (Issue 26) | The Edge of the World (Issue 20) | website
Jordan Kurella: All Her Rows of Teeth (Issue 42) | website
Kelly Lagor: A Selection of Tissues (Issue 34) | website
Claude Lalumière: Prelude to Byzantium (Issue 26) | At the World Tree Hotel (Issue 26) | The Hecate Centuria (Issue 23) | website
Shelley Lavigne: Devoted/Devoured (Issue 43) | website
Ann LeBlanc: Memories Held Against a Hungry Mouth (Issue 41) | website
Justin Lee: Totentanz (Issue 20)
D.F. Lewis: Murky’s Tales (Issue 5) | Dark House Lane (Issue 3) | website
Rich Logsdon: The Impaling of Jenny Curtis (Issue 5)
Edward C. Lynskey: Zombie (Issue 15)
A. Y. Lu: In Her Dreams, the River (Issue 40) | website
Darja Malcolm-Clarke: Of Cog and Feather (Issue 15)
Nick Mamatas: The Ferry House (Issue 42)
Avra Margariti: Over the Yiousouri Tree (Issue 41)
J.M. McDermott: Salt Gator Girl as Joe M. McDermott (Issue 33) |Fox in the Fields (Issue 26) | I Will Trade With You (Issue 23) | The End of Her World (Issue 19) | website
Katie McIvor: We Bleed Water (Issue 35)
Kathryn McMahon: Sunchoke (Issue 37)
John Medaille: Union Member #448 (Issue 18)
Gerardo Mercado Hernández: What Flowers Bring (Issue 37)
Kyle E. Miller: Ringing the Changes (Issue 30) | website
Stephen Minchin: All That’s Best (Issue 9)
Samuel Minier: Reflecting House (Issue 14) | website
Sunny Moraine: The Cold Death of Papa November (Issue 21) | website
Edward Morris: Jihad Over Innsmouth (Issue 16) | website
Michelle Muenzler: Hoarfrost (Issue 22) | website
Alexandra Munck: Beast Do (Issue 30)
Mary Musselman: Eye of the Beholder (Issue 10)
Shweta Narayan: Kohl-lined (Issue 20) | website
Mari Ness: Offgrid (Issue 26) | Dreams of Elephants and Ice (Issue 18) | website)
Christi Nogle: One Eye Opened in That Other Place (Issue 38) | Cocooning (Issue 31) | website
Nikki J. North: What a Wolf Wants (Issue 28) | website
Dirk van Nouhuys: The Swan (Issue 16) | website
Kevin Oatley: Demon Seed (Issue 14) | The Excelsior
Jonathan Olfert: Kick the Can (Issue 43) | website
Simon Owens: There Are Kittens Better Than These (Issue 14) | website
Dru Pagliassotti: Peter, Peter (Issue 13) | website
Shannon Peavey: Saturn is Devouring His Children (Issue 33) | website
Cameron Pierce: On Lonesome Tides (Issue 29)
Graeme Penman: Forever (Issue 16) | website
Cat Rambo: At the End of the Song, a Ghost is Waiting (Issue 31) | Eggs of Stone (Issue 25) | website
Steve Rasnic Tem: He Has Always Lived in This House Alone (Issue 42) | | The Winter Closet (Issue 36) | website
Claudius Reich: Snowdrift (Issue 6)
Jessica Reisman: The Demon of Russet Street (Issue 27) | A Feather’s Weight (Issue 19) | website
Zandra Renwick: Elephant Teeth (Issue 31) | website
Lauren Ring: Lest You Be Swept Away (Issue 38)
Andrew Penn Romine: No God West of Pearceville (Issue 24) | website
Xan van Rooyen: Sonata Apocalyptica (Issue 32) | website
Cheryl W. Ruggiero: Botch’s Astronomy (Issue 19)
Sara Saab: Little Seller of La Quarantaine (Issue 27)
Vicki Saunders: Carpe Chelonian (Issue 27) | Whale Woman Watches (Issue 24)
Steven Saus: Hard Lesson (Issue 21) | website
Brett A. Savory: A Room of Incense (Issue 2) | website
Holly Schofield: Kintsukuroi of the Lucky Few (Issue 34) | website
Vera Searles: The Same Song Every Midnight (Issue 16)
Steve Sidor: Snowcatters (Issue 9) | website
Beecher Smith: The Burrower From the Bluff (Issue 4) | website
Chloe Smith: Narrative of an Unnamed Supplicant (Issue 34)
Thomas Lee Joseph Smith: The Last Idea (Issue 11)
H. Turnip Smith: Toyland (Issue 1)
Darren Speegle: Porta Nigra (Issue 8)
Jennifer Stakes: The Birdstories of Jaywalker (Issue 20)
Simo Srinivas: A Dark Star Strikes the Stonemason (Issue 37)
Prashanth Srivatsa: A Girl at the End of the World (Issue 31)
Ferrett Steinmetz: The Bliss Machine (Issue 25) | Riding Atlas (Issue 22) | Dead Prophecies (Issue 19) | website
David Stevens: The Gods of the Gaps (Issue 29) | Some Corner of a Dorset Field that is Forever Arabia (Issue 25) | website
Ashley Stokes: The Scarisbrick Intuition (Issue 40)
Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam: Where You Come From (Issue 26) | website
Bret Tallman: The Far Bank (Issue 21) | The Tab (Issue 17)
Lester Thees: The Kartoupelos (Issue 3)
Leah Thomas: The Drove (Issue 25)
Richard Thomas: Kuebiko (Issue 41) | website
Steve Toase: Iridescent Screams (Issue 40) | The Heart Beats Green and Grey (Issue 38) | Flowstone (Issue 36) | The Silent Brush of Wings (Issue 30) | website
E. Catherine Tobler: R is for Running (Issue 43) |Becomes the Color (Issue 35) | True in His Fashion (Issue 31) | In the Otherwise Dark (Issue 28) | Ladybird (Issue 22) | website
Nick Tramdack: The Smile (Issue 21) | website
Chuck Von Nordheim: Apotheosis of Deacon J (Issue 18)
Tim Waggoner: Simulacrum (Issue 4) | website
Wendy N. Wagner: The Last Doll War (Issue 21) | website
K.S. Walker: Trials and Invocations in the Basin of the Three Sisters (Issue 36)
Kali Wallace: The Virtue Retreats from the Land of Snow and Sky (Issue 30)
D. Elizabeth Wasden: Convergence (Issue 18)
Clay Waters: Ten-foot Two, Eyes of Blue (Issue 15) | website
Aliya Whiteley: Glum Dreams (Issue 24) | website
A.C. Wise: Her Last Breath Before Waking (Issue 24) | website
David J. Wright: Contract Work (Issue 12)
Lee Clark Zumpe: Saurian Bridge (Issue 10) | website
November 19, 2024 — Issue 43 is live today. Read stories 1 & 2 online, buy the full ebook, or subscribe to Patreon.
Oct 15, 2024 — Thank you to all our backers on Kickstarter! We are funded for 2025 with more stories of horror, weird, and wonder.
July 30, 2024 — Issue 42 is live today. Read stories 1 & 2 online, buy the full ebook, or subscribe to Patreon.
Mar 26, 2024 — Issue 41 is live today. Read stories 1 & 2 online, buy the full ebook, or subscribe to Patreon.
Dec 5, 2023 — The new print anthology Volume IX is here. Order now!
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